• You run into an old friend who “saw” that your company was meeting at _______ hotel;
• You start getting phone calls from other meeting sites looking for business; or
• You get a call from an old friend wanting to know if you have any business for his meeting site.
Ever wonder how they knew? Reader boards.
Many people hosting meetings within conference centers and hotels demand some level of confidentiality and they may think they are getting it – when they are closed off in their meeting space. But what is happening right outside…
In hotels (and some conference centers) throughout the United States, when you arrive at a meeting there is some sort of lovely display stating your company name and where you are meeting. Sounds helpful, right? It’s not. Other meeting sites “troll” these boards looking for new contacts and business. Not to mention, everyone that strolls through the lobby now know where you are as well. In today’s age of security concerns, wouldn’t you rather NOT broadcast everything about what your company is doing?
Request to have a person at the front desk to greet your guests and direct them to the appropriate meeting room. This will give the added benefit of your guests being able to get directions to the room (instead of wandering around) looking to see who else is there.